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Machine Learning 2.0



Teach the model to classify images using files or your webcam.

How to Use >


Teach the model to classify audio by recording short sound samples.

How to Use > 


Teach the model to understand your body language.

How to Use > 
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Explore with mBlock

· Explore how datasets improve the accuracy of AI model
· Understand the principles of machine learning
· Combine it with life scenarios to experience the joys of AI

Open mBlock5 >

Audio Recoginition

Meow Translator

Make CyberPi recognize different cat sounds and classify them into corresponding categories. Click on the video to learn how to do this project step-by-step!

Open the Program > 
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What you need for this project

In this project, you will use mBlock's Machine Learning 2.0 - Audio Recognition feature to to categorize cat purrs and give them unique meanings. By programming CyberPi's on-board recorder and speaker, you can use it to interact with cats and learn the meaning of their sounds!

Buy CyberPi >

Pose Recognition

Rhythm Artist

Use your body posture to control mBot2 to sing and dance. Click on the video to learn how to do this project step-by-step!

Open the Program > 
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What you need for this project

In this project, you'll use mBlock's Machine Learning 2.0 - Poses Recognition feature to categorize different body postures and give them unique meanings. By programming mBot2, you can command mBot2 to move forward, backward, spin and sing with movements!

Buy mBot2 Now >

Image Recognition

Emotion Reader

Make the mBot2 Rover present the same expression as you. Click on the video to learn how to do this project step-by-step!

Buy Now > Open the Program > 
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What you need for this project

In this project, you will use mBlock's Machine Learning 2.0 - Image Recognition feature to categorize different images and give them unique meanings. By programming mBot2 Rover, you can control it to display happy, excited or sad faces by your own expression.

Buy mBot2 Rover Now >

How to Start

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Create the Project

Create the model to recognize images, audios or poses.

Learn More >
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Train the Model

Collect data, train the model, test and debug.

Learn More >

Ready to Use

Once satisfied with the model, you can use it in your project by inserting a new mBlock block in the exisiting codes.

Learn >
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Generative AI

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Please draw me a pixel style expression

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Explore with mBlock

· Learn to use structured questioning to optimize AI generation results.
· Use the generated images as the emoticons for the robot.
· Move forward to learn generative AI such as Stable Diffusion.

Open mBlock5 >

Magic Emojis

Emoticon Master

Use AI prompts to create vivid emotions for mBot2 Rover. 

Open the Program > 
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What you need for this project

In this project, you will use mBlock's Magic Emoji feature to generate emojis for mBot2 Rover. By programming, you can make it happy, excited or sleepy in its actions.

Buy mBot2 Rover Now >

How to Start

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Learn What "Prompt" Is

Learn how AI understands user's input and the “structured” questioning rules for better interaction.

Learn >
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Generate the Images

Toggle different parameters to see how the AI generates content.

Learn >

Ready for Use

Once satisfied with generative images,  you can use it in your project by inserting a new mBlock block in the exisiting codes.

Learn >
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Why mBlock?

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Get under the hood of AI

While artificial intelligence (AI) might seem complex, seeing how it works in mBlock is easy.

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Interact with AI right away

Through makeblock's versatile hardwares, what you create with AI can be instantly brought to life.

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Play STEM with AI

Through mBlock, AI can be combined with electronics, robotics and more to create a truly unique and engaging STEM learning experience that will set your program apart from the competition.

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Where can I experience mBlock's new AI features?

You can open mBlock Web to experience machine learning and magic emojis functions now! The mBlock PC version is still under development and will be available soon.

How do I create a model from Machine Learning 2.0 in mBlock?

We prepare video tutorial for you to better use the Machine Learning 2.0 in mBlock.

1. Click here to learn how to create an audio model.
2. Click here to learn how to create a poses model.
3. Click here to learn how to create an images model.

Also, you can refer to the supported documents:

1. How to Create an Image Model
2. How to Create an Audio Model
3. How to Create a Pose Model

How can I apply the created machine learning model to a programming project?

Refer to this article for more detailed informations. For more general questions about Machine Learning 2.0, please refer to the FAQs here.

I don't have CyberPi/mBot2/mBot2 Rover yet. How can I get them?

1. Buy CyberPi here on the official makeblock website.
2. Buy mBot2 here on the official makeblock website.
3. Buy mBot2 Rover here on the official makeblock website.

Enjoy free shipping, 12-month warranty and 30-day returns.

Makeblock CyberPi

Yes, it does that. And then more.

As the mainboard for the makeblock mBot2 and mBot2 Rover, its wealth of on-board sensors and powerful expansion capabilities make it a top choice for programming and robotics in K-12 education.

Buy Now >
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